Tax Time 2024

Questionnaires – Year End 31 March 2024


Drum roll please…

It’s time to fill in each Questionnaire that applies to you. Download as many as you need – they’re free!

It is now a legal requirement to fill in the questionnaires due to the necessity for us to have your continued agreement to act on your behalf with the IRD.


2024 Questionnaires:

Air BNB Questionnaire & Checklist YE 2024

Charities, Clubs & Society Returns Questionnaire & Checklist YE 2024

Company Tax Return Questionnaire & Checklist YE 2024

Individual Tax Return Questionnaire & Checklist YE 2024

Non Trading Tax Return Questionnaire YE 2024

Partnership Tax Return Questionnaire & Checklist YE 2024

Rental Tax Return Questionnaire & Checklist YE 2024

Sole Trader Tax Return Questionnaire & Checklist YE 2024

Trust Tax Return Questionnaire & Checklist YE 2024



Just in case you missed it prior to the end of financial year last year, here’s the checklist to make sure you’ve covered the basics before going through and filling in your Questionnaires:

Year-End Checklist 31st March 2024


Key Steps to remember for your 2024 Questionnaires:

  • Read all the information and complete the questionnaires & checklists as soon as you can. Your knowledge of the past year is fresh in your mind, which makes it the perfect time to offload it on to us. Compiling your information now will result in fewer sleepless nights, less stress, and happy accountants.


  • Send all information at one time, rather than multiple “updates” where possible so that we have a clear understanding of what work is required. Work will not begin on your accounts until we have received all the checklists, questionnaires and supporting documents. We are firm on this.


  • Provide us with your questionnaires, checklists and supporting paperwork well before you require your accounts to be completed. Need it to be done by a certain date? Let us know!


Filling out your questionnaire is non-negotiable.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept “It’s the same as last year, nothing has changed”. To ensure there are no issues with the IRD when it comes to filing your tax returns and what we declare to them, we require an updated questionnaire each year, regardless of whether or not there are any changes to your circumstances. This is best practice to ensure that nothing is missed, and no re-work is required.

Questionnaires play a vital role in familiarising our staff with you and your accounts and to highlight anything major we need to look out for. This in turn will enable us to provide all clients with greater level of service.

With ongoing changes to legislation and the responsibility we carry to ensure you are legally returning the correct information for your business each year, we need to be more stringent with the records we get from you and the questionnaires are a big part of that. This is to ensure we are giving you the best level of service, complying with all tax legislation and to protect you from the risk of an IRD audit.

If you have many businesses, entities, or revenue sources, you may need to complete several questionnaires.

Please ensure the checklists & questionnaires are completed fully, even if you think we may already have this information as we are actively checking our records to ensure they are current and accurate.



Related Links:

Are you earning enough?

Five Ways to Improve Cashflow

7 Ways to Save on Accounting Fees


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