understanding your financials Tag

Working for Families tax credits are paid to low and middle-income families to help them raise their family and stay in work. Around 58 percent of families with children in New Zealand get Working for Families each year. Working for Families is mostly paid by...

This 'Guide to your Financial Reports - Part 6 (Shareholder Current Account)' records all funds introduced to the business by shareholders, credited to shareholders as dividends or salary, or taken out of the business as drawings.  The Shareholder Current Account is also called a Shareholder Loan...

There are some New Trustee Regulations and Trustees are expected to know the terms of the Trust and act accordingly, act in good faith and for the benefit of the beneficiaries and exercise their powers for a proper purpose.  Unless specified in the Trust Deed,...

Additional Reporting: NZ Domestic Trusts mean that from the 1 April 2022 trusts are required to provide more information on their annual returns for 2022 tax year onwards.   These changes apply to all NZ domestic trusts that derives assessable income more than $200 in a...

Our Guide to your Financial Reports - Part 4 (Balance Sheet) will help you understand you Balance Sheet, or Statement of Financial Position, measures the net worth of your business at a point in time and shows if your business is solvent (if assets are...

An easy to follow 'Guide to your Financial Reports - Part 1 (Introduction)'. Your financial reports tell you the story of your business; allowing you to interpret the results of your business activity.  The better you understand your financial reports, the better your decision-making and results...